On this page, you can find the practical details about:
- Conference program
- Venue – how to get there
- Details on welcome reception
- Details on technical tour
- Details on conference dinner
- Instructions for presenters
- Luggage
Conference program
The program and papers are available in Conftool via this link:
For easy access, we recommend downloading the app Conference4me (iOS or Android) and searching for the BuildSim Nordic.
Conference venue – how to get there
The conference takes place at DTU main campus, building 116, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby – see in Google Maps
You can reach the DTU main campus by taxi or by public transportation. Several busses cross or pass the campus area, and Lyngby Station is just 2 km away with even more bus connections.
From Nørreport Station in central Copenhagen, there are several transport options to the DTU Campus. Buses 15E and 150S run approx. every 10 minutes from Nørreport St. to Rævehøjvej, DTU (Helsingørmotorvejen) – a short walk from the venue. You can also go by S-train (line A) to Lyngby Station and take bus 300S or bus 181 to DTU (Anker Engelunds Vej).
Tickets for public transport can be purchased from Your Public Transport – DOT. It is possible to purchase a ‘Large City Pass’ for DKK 160 a day, which grants unlimited access to the Copenhagen area and to the DTU campus in Lyngby.
As a one-way ticket from the airport to the venue is approx. DKK 68, we recommend the city pass for its price and flexibility. Purchases are made in the ‘Your Public Transport’ app or at vending machines on the stations. You can read more at Your Public Transport.
The easiest way to go from the airport to central Copenhagen is by Metro.
Access the Journey Planner to see how to get to DTU with public transportation from the airport and the main stations of Copenhagen.
Welcome reception
The welcome reception is at the Villum Window Collection, a short trip from central Copenhagen. There will be a guided tour of the exhibition followed by a reception sponsored by VELUX.
Location: Villum Window Collection, Maskinvej 4, 2860 Søborg
Time: Sunday 21 August at 16.00-18.00
Transport: We have arranged free bus transport from central Copenhagen to the collection and back to central Copenhagen.
Departure at 15.30 from Øster Voldgade 2, 1350 København (next to Nørreport Station)
Return bus at 18.00 to Nørreport Station.
Public transportation: Use the journey planner

Tehnical tour
The technical tour takes place at the DTU campus. It includes a guided tour of the Smart Library and the DTU Campus Service (CAS). We will walk around campus.
Time: Monday 22 August at 16.00-18.00
Tour departure: Tour departures from DTU, building 116 (conference venue)
Tour ends: DTU, Building 101, entrance A
Conference dinner
Time: Monday 22 August at 19.00
Location: Sovino Boathouse, Strandgade 85 A, 1401 København – See Google Maps
Free bus transport is available for dinner participants:
Departure: DTU, building 101, entrance A at 6 PM (where the technical tour finishes)
The bus will go to Kgs. Nytorv, then there will be a short walk to the restaurant along the iconic Nyhavn Harbour and across the Inner Harbor Bridge, which is one of Copenhagen’s pedestrian and bike bridges.
Please make sure that you have paid for the dinner. We will check dinner participants at the entrance to the restaurant.
Welcome drink: Aperol Spritz
- Shrimps salad, dill and spinach waffle, white fish roe, gem lettuce, sprouts, sour cream, pickled onions, lemon and crispy quinoa (L)(G)
- Mushrooms risotto (vegan/vegetarian)
Main course
- Grilled chicken breast from Rokkedahl, served with Californian BBQ-sauce
- Grilled pointed cabbage with hummus (vegan/vegetarian)
- Organic potatoes, salted citrus dressing, chives and crispy ryebread (L) (G*)
- Grilled corn, organic parmesan, jalapeños-dressing, shives, lime and crispy corn (L)(G)
- White chocolate mousse
- Apple sorbet, compote and salted almonds (L)
- Apple sorbet (vegan)
2x glasses of wine
Water Still & Sparkling
Instructions for presenters
We ask presenters to upload presentations to ConfTool in pptx/ppt/pdf format no later than Thursday, 18 August. Download the ppt template here or use your own layout.
The duration of the presentations is 15 minutes, including questions and answers.
There will be a storage room for luggage at the venue that can be used from 7.00-16.00 Monday and Tuesday.